Terms of Use




1. Ownership of Website:

This website (“Website”) is owned and operated by RemitM Limited (CRN:07956213 ) (“RemitM”). The Website consists of public areas (“Public Area”) with unrestricted access and private areas (“Private Area”) with restricted access. Any reference to the Website is intended to apply to both areas.

2. The Website:

The Public Area of the Website provides information about the mechanics of money remittance transactions and current information about exchange rates. The Private Area allows you to arrange a remittance, enter beneficiary account details and access information about your account online (collectively “the Services”).

You may obtain assistance with all of the Services by telephone or email, which will be subject to our terms and conditions. Any Services provided to you will be provided only pursuant to Remitm’s standard client agreement which you must agree to in addition to this agreement and prior to the provision of any such Services.

3. Access to Private Area:

Upon registration, you will be able to obtain a username and password with unlimited or prescribed levels of authority in order to enable you and your authorised representatives to access the Private Area of the Website and use the Services. You accept these terms and conditions of use each time the Private Area is accessed by anybody using your username and password.

The identity of the user will not be checked by RemitM every time the username and password are used. It is your responsibility to ensure the security of your username and password. RemitM will be entitled to assume that anybody who uses the username and password has your full authority to do so and accepts no responsibility for misuse or unauthorised access, other than in circumstances where the use has been by employees of RemitM or where you have notified RemitM of termination in accordance with this Agreement.

4. Legitimate Use:

You agree to use the Website only for legitimate purposes. You agree not to interfere with, damage (or attempt to interfere with or damage) or reverse-engineer any code, data or software on or associated with the Website. You agree to access the Private Area only in accordance with the terms of any client agreement you enter into with RemitM.

5. Ownership of Information:

The copyright of the Website and all associated material is the property of RemitM or third parties from whom the material has been licensed. By accessing or using the Website, RemitM grants you a limited licence to view and otherwise access content on the Website, you are not authorised to use such content or source code for any other purposes, including reverse engineering or copying that content or source code, unless otherwise specified.

All other rights are reserved and except as outlined in this agreement or as otherwise permitted by any copyright legislation, no part of the Website and associated material may be reproduced or published in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of RemitM.

6. Use of Information:

The information, including any charts, graphs and models, (“Information”) on this Website has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable and has been prepared in good faith and with all reasonable care. However, RemitM makes no warranty, express or implied, concerning the suitability, completeness, quality or exactness of the Information.

Neither RemitM nor any of its providers of information, assume any liability to you, or to any other third party, for the accuracy of the Information or for any errors or omissions therein, nor will RemitM or any of its providers of information have any liability for the use, interpretation or implementation of the Information.

7. Accuracy of Information:

By providing the Information on this Website, RemitM undertakes no obligation to update the Information. Forecasts, opinions or strategies herein are based on assumptions, market conditions and available information at the time of writing and may change without notice.

In particular, currency converter rates are updated where possible on a daily basis, but users should be aware that, for many exchange rates, daily data is not readily available and so rates may be significantly out of date. These rates are a guide only, so visitors to the Website should consult their financial institution to obtain actual rates of exchange.

8. No Financial Advice:

The Information contained in this Website does not constitute investment or financial advice, and nothing relating to the provision of the information herein shall be construed as creating a fiduciary, financial or other advisory relationship between RemitM and the user or any other third party.

Any comments or statements made are not a recommendation that a particular course of action is suitable for you and should not be regarded as investment advice.

9. No Liability for Delays or Technical Problems:

Subject to any conditions and warranties implied by legislation, RemitM excludes liability for any delay, interruption or unavailability of the Website.

10. Access to the Website:

All reasonable efforts will be made to provide access to the Website at all reasonable times, but cannot guarantee that such access will never be interrupted as a result of technical or other unforeseen problems.

Remitm reserves the right to suspend or terminate access to the Private Area at any time and without prior notice.

11. Termination of Access to Website:

You may terminate your access to the Private Area of the Website at any time by giving us 72 hours written notice by email of your intention to change or terminate your username and password.

In the event that you suspect that any person has gained access to your username and password without your authorisation, you should contact us immediately on the telephone number on this Website.

12. Account Records in the Private Area:

You should check your account records carefully and promptly report to us as soon as you become aware of any payments that you think are errors or are payments that you did not authorise or you think were made by someone else without your permission.

13. Errors or Mistakes in the Private Area:

You must notify us promptly if you become aware that you have made a mistake while making a transfer online or if you become aware of any delays or mistakes in processing your transactions on the part of RemitM.

14. Fee Disclosure:

RemitM may receive fees for advertising on the Website and in any email newsletters that might be sent to you. RemitM may have a financial interest in the outcome or success of the offers of financial products mentioned in this Website.

15. Indemnity by You:

You fully indemnify and hold harmless RemitM and its officers, employees and agents in respect of any loss, damage, cost or expense which they may sustain or incur arising from or related to the improper use of the Website by you or your authorised representatives.

16. External Links:

The Website may contain links to other websites which are not maintained or controlled by RemitM (“third party site”). RemitM makes no representations or warranties whatsoever about any third party site. These links are provided as a convenience only. A link does not imply endorsement of, sponsorship of, or affiliation with the linked site.

No responsibility for the content or use of any third party site will be accepted by RemitM. If you link to any third party site, you leave the Website and do so entirely at your own risk.

17. Security:

RemitM employs secure encryption technology, however it cannot guarantee that the Website will always be free of viruses or bugs or that any communication between you and the Website is secure from interception by third parties.

18. Alternations to the Website:

RemitM reserves the right to alter without notice the content, appearance and Services offered on the Website, in the event of any inconsistency, the terms of the client agreement that you enter into with RemitM shall prevail.

19. Privacy:

The privacy policy on the Website forms part of this agreement.

20. Jurisdiction:

This agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales. You submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

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